Name: Catherine, Age: 45,
Job title: Managing Director
Job title: Managing Director
1. What was your motivation / expectation to start coaching BEFORE starting sessions with Noëmie Raccat?
To be honest, I had no real expectation. I met Noemie during a dinner at a friends’ house & when she told me she was doing coaching for a living, I thought it would be great to give a try with her. So it was more out of curiosity to see what could come out of this. And it was mainly because I had a positive first feeling with Noemie.
2. What has changed since the beginning of doing Coaching with Noëmie Raccat?
It enabled me to understand better people I evolve with (both personal & professional circles) & to adapt my communication to them. I understood as well better who I am and why I am like that and how to deal with that in any kind of situations (family matters, professional environment, friendship).
It helps me telling things instead of keeping them inside, not taking everything personally, feeling more relax & being factual.
3. What would you say when recommending Noëmie Raccat to your friends?
Noemie is a great coach – she has the faculty to listen actively & knows perfectly how to guide you, to help you express what is deep inside & find the appropriate ‘solution’ to each question/issue, etc.
And she is always smiling & positive!
4. How has your thinking or mindset toward coaching changed since you began coaching with Noëmie Raccat?
I thought it could be useful & now I know it was really helpful – my behavior has evolved and the way I managed things makes me feel much more mature & at-ease. I am (almost always) in peace with myself!
5. What would you like to say to your Coach Noëmie Raccat?
I’m glad to have had the opportunity to have Noemie as a coach so I would like to say a warm THANK YOU to her.
There was Catherine before Noemie & Catherine after Noemie! She really helps me changing my life!
Name: Marian, Age: 49,
Job title: Housewife
1. What was your motivation/expectation to start coaching BEFORE starting sessions with Noëmie Raccat?
In the beginning I was just curious about undertaking a personal rather than a professional coaching journey.
Noemi explained to me very positively about her job and she showed me a lot of enthusiasm. As a result, I wanted to work with her as I felt that I was at a time where I needed to improve parts of my life.
I couldn’t imagine at the start that it could help me so much. And I could never have imagined what my objectives and my desires for progress would turn out to be.
I was very surprised to discover after the first few sessions of working with Noemi, how she could guide me to find what areas I truly needed to improve.
2. What has changed since the beginning of doing Coaching with Noëmie Raccat?
More than I thought because since commencing work with her, my mind has started to think in another way.
From the third session, I had some exercises at home to do, to reinforce what we were wanting to change.
After each session Noemi sent me a written report of what was covered in the session to also guide me on what to do. With this information I could read and refer to it if I wanted more reminding.
She also made me accountable for my actions by checking at the start of each session that I did my homework!
3. What would you say when recommending Noëmie Raccat to your friends?
I would highly recommend her. Everybody should to do coaching to help to improve their life.
With Noemi’s kind of coaching you can improve what you want to in your personal or professional life.
It is not only for working professionals but for everybody.
All of us want to become better, and with Noemi you can.
4. How has your thinking or mindset toward coaching changed since you began coaching with Noëmie Raccat?
My thinking and feelings towards coaching has changed. I now know it is not only for business but for all aspects of life.
Now I know more about myself.
5. What would you like to say to your Coach Noëmie Raccat?
I would like to let her know that she really has a great listening ability and her knowledge of how to reformulate and rethink your ideas is to be commended.
She knew how to adapt to my needs and apply her method of coaching in a very personal way for me.
Because she knew how identify the important information which I needed to address quickly.
I think she really is destined to be a great coach.
Prénom: Delphine, Age: 41,
Situation: maman souhaitant se reconvertir et trouver un métier qui lui plait.
Situation: maman souhaitant se reconvertir et trouver un métier qui lui plait.
1. Quelles étaient vos motivations et attentes AVANT de commencer les sessions de coaching avec Noëmie Raccat?
Je souhaitais recommencer une nouvelle activité et apprendre un nouveau métier qui me plait, dans un domaine que j’aurai choisi. J’étais un peu bloquée dans mes choix et j’avais du mal à aller de l'avant
2. Qu’est-ce qui a changé depuis le début de votre coaching avec Noëmie Raccat?
Grâce à Noémie, j’ai su réfléchir sur un nouveau projet, le mettre en place tout en me fixant de vrais objectifs auxquels je me suis tenue.
3. Que diriez-vous à vous amis si vous deviez recommander Noëmie Raccat en tant que Coach?
Noémie est très pro-active et professionnelle. Elle cible rapidement la personnalité de ses coachés et n’hésite pas à les challenger dans leurs envies et rêves. Elle n’hésite pas à nous sortir de notre zone de confort.
J’ai trouvé également très agréable le fait que Noémie prenne des notes pendant toute la session et qu’elle fasse un journal de bord après chaque entretien.
4. Comment a évolué votre perception du coaching depuis que vous avez commencé le coaching avec Noëmie Raccat?
Je pense qu’un programme de coaching peut être vraiment utile et débloquer des situations pour aller de l’avant et réaliser ses rêves.
5. Qu’aimeriez-vous dire à votre coach Noëmie Raccat?
Encore un immense merci pour m’avoir écouté pendant de longues heures. Ce fut un plaisir d’avoir rencontré Noémie. Elle m’a donné confiance en moi pour créer des projets qui me tenaient à cœur et pour me lancer dans une nouvelle aventure.
Je souhaitais recommencer une nouvelle activité et apprendre un nouveau métier qui me plait, dans un domaine que j’aurai choisi. J’étais un peu bloquée dans mes choix et j’avais du mal à aller de l'avant
2. Qu’est-ce qui a changé depuis le début de votre coaching avec Noëmie Raccat?
Grâce à Noémie, j’ai su réfléchir sur un nouveau projet, le mettre en place tout en me fixant de vrais objectifs auxquels je me suis tenue.
3. Que diriez-vous à vous amis si vous deviez recommander Noëmie Raccat en tant que Coach?
Noémie est très pro-active et professionnelle. Elle cible rapidement la personnalité de ses coachés et n’hésite pas à les challenger dans leurs envies et rêves. Elle n’hésite pas à nous sortir de notre zone de confort.
J’ai trouvé également très agréable le fait que Noémie prenne des notes pendant toute la session et qu’elle fasse un journal de bord après chaque entretien.
4. Comment a évolué votre perception du coaching depuis que vous avez commencé le coaching avec Noëmie Raccat?
Je pense qu’un programme de coaching peut être vraiment utile et débloquer des situations pour aller de l’avant et réaliser ses rêves.
5. Qu’aimeriez-vous dire à votre coach Noëmie Raccat?
Encore un immense merci pour m’avoir écouté pendant de longues heures. Ce fut un plaisir d’avoir rencontré Noémie. Elle m’a donné confiance en moi pour créer des projets qui me tenaient à cœur et pour me lancer dans une nouvelle aventure.